Incontinence Specialist
Osceola Gynecology
General Gynecology & Minimally Invasive Surgeries located in Orlando, FL & Kissimmee, FL
Women with incontinence often don’t talk about it because they’re embarrassed or they think it’s rare, but the truth is 13-17 million adults have incontinence, and two-thirds of them are women. At Osceola Gynecology, Dr. Anthony Gyang works with each patient to find the least invasive treatment for their type of incontinence. To learn more about incontinence and your treatment options, call one of the offices in Orlando, Kissimmee, and St. Cloud, Florida or book an appointment online.
Incontinence Q & A
What causes urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence occurs when you lose bladder control and accidentally leak urine. When incontinence persists, it’s due to a problem with your urinary sphincter -- the muscle that controls the flow of urine -- or nerves that control your bladder.
Factors that contribute to urinary incontinence include:
- Pregnancy: hormone changes and pressure from the weight of the baby
- Childbirth: vaginal delivery can affect muscles and nerves
- Pelvic organ prolapse: pelvic floor muscles that help control the bladder weaken
- Menopause: estrogen loss deteriorates bladder lining
- Age-related changes: bladder muscles weaken and bladder contraction increases
- Obstruction: stones or tumors in the urinary tract cause overflow incontinence
What are the different types of urinary incontinence?
The severity of your urinary incontinence often depends on the type. You may also experience mixed incontinence, a combination of symptoms of the following types:
- Stress incontinence: urine leaks due to pressure placed on your bladder when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or lift a heavy object
- Urge incontinence: also known as overactive bladder, involuntary urine loss occurs due to a sudden, strong urge to urinate
- Overflow incontinence: your bladder doesn’t empty when you urinate; as a result, you frequently or continuously leak a small amount of urine
How is urinary incontinence treated?
Dr. Gyang starts treatment with the least invasive options available. Your treatment plan may include steps you can take at home and medical management, followed by surgical intervention if conservative measures don’t help.
Home care
Kegel exercises to strengthen muscles, bladder training, and fluid management are only a few examples of self-care steps you can take at home.
Medication management
Dr. Gyang may prescribe one of several medications that relieve incontinence using various mechanisms, such as:
- Increasing bladder capacity
- Rejuvenating urethral tissues
- Relaxing smooth muscles in the bladder
- Tightening the bladder outlet
- Suppressing involuntary bladder contraction
Medical devices
You may find relief from incontinence with medical devices such as a urethral insert or pessary. Urethral inserts are small, tampon-like devices that work like a plug to prevent leakage. You remove the insert before urinating.
A pessary is a stiff ring that’s inserted into the vagina, where it supports the bladder and prevents urine leakage. It’s especially beneficial for stress incontinence.
Surgical intervention
When conservative measures don't control your incontinence, Dr. Gyang may recommend minimally invasive surgical procedures to restore pelvic floor muscles and support your bladder and urethra.
Whether you experience mild or severe incontinence, call Osceola Gynecology or use online booking to schedule an appointment.